Sunday, July 27, 2008

Week in Review - Toy Story on Crack

A few days ago, I found a series of stop-motion animation short on Youtube that involve a group of toys playing rock band and the chaos that insues. As you can already see the creator, Keith3D, takes sound bites from numorus sources and turns them in awesome comidical matireal. I highly reccomend watching the rest of this series, it's right up there with Arby n' The Chief in my book. Keith3D's stop-motion shorts can be found here,

So if your wondering what that has to do with anything, you must of be gone for the last week. The Audio from this video was recently used in R5 Central's Mark Musashi Interview. This interview probally made my week, because it was very cool to hear about the life and Experances of this awesome awesome stuntman. You can find a link to R5 Central and Mark's Blog on the sidebar.

The Leaked Teaser Trailer for Tr2n (Tron) was shown at the SDCC a few days ago. Even though i've only seen bits and pieces of the first movie when I was a little kid, I'm really exited for this. There is no set release date on Tr2n.

I don't think I need to explain how much of an Epic video that was.

That is about it for this week but, I have one more thing to say before I go. As of recently, I've been too busy in the real world, thus giving me little to no time to work on youtube videos. Because of that, I'm thinking of stopping putting videos up. If I do, I will be writing reviews here on SJ.

So I guess that's about it for this week, here's Kaidoku Funou by Jinn (Yes, I've been watching a little Code Geass)

Oh, I forgot something. Here's a Public Service Announcement from Jack Black,

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