So we start off on one of the biggest topics of the year, KAMEN RIDER DRAGON KNIGHT! I watched episode one the other day and I have to say, PR is gonna get shafted. Kamen Rider Dragon Knight feels alot like MMPR in some ways but it's also very good at giving you some what of a Showa rider feel of sorts. I'd highy reccommend checking it out but, also check out Power Rangers RPM when it comes around... why? ANYTHING IS BETTER THAN GO-ONGER!! *Can't wait for the KRDK figures to come around*
Speaking of Kamen Rider, I'm looking very forward to Kamen Rider Decade. I hope to god this won't be a trainwreck mainly because of the following.
- Interesting Concept
- Some Returning Riders and Actors
- Toy Line
- F'n Gackt is doing the Theme Song!
I know I'm late on the wagon to report this stuff but, better late than never... I guess. I still need to watch kiva ._.
Thank god, the evil known as "Go-Onger" is on it's way out! Can't say much about Shinkenger at the moment except it's good to see Psychic Lover doing theme, but it looks to be at least better than Go-onger. That reminds me, I should make a scale that says "if's not as bad as Go-onger it's ok", Although there is a lot of crappy toku out there.
Toy News -
Busou Shinkis are awesome... What Busou Shinkis basicly equate to are somewhat expensive figures that are basicly girls in plugsuit-like outfits with somesort of mecha assessory. Another bonus it that they come with codes you can plug into a game called "Busou Shinki: Battle Rondo" which is a fighting game of sorts that comes with a program called "Diorama Studio". Diorama Studio allows you to make dioramas with your figures in the game. I have Strarf bis on the way from HLJ, that's catchy. These figures will run you from 15 to 120 bucks so there not cheap (but fun).

An image of Movie Sideswipe was revealed the other day on TFW2005, and it's definately on my movie-line buy list.
Here's my christmas haul
- Transformers Sam's Club 5-pack
- Animated Ultra Magnus
- Robot Heroes Beast Wars Figures
- Optimash Prime
- Go-On Green + Black Figures
- X-box 360
- Prince of Persia
- Soul Calibur 4
Here's what I have on the way
- SH Figarts Kamen Rider Gatack
- Strarf Bis
- Revoltech Rocker Bunny Haruhi
Stuff I found intresting -
Note: Some of this stuff may not be Safe for Work... or kids
I really like Gantz Abridged and I have some what of a liking of Kei Kishimoto now... more here...
I'd really like to Symmetrical Dock with Kishimoto sometime... uh.. you didn't hear that...
The one who has courage always claims victory! and with that were done with this week or month or whatever... I leave you with a video...
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