So with most of the major announcements taken care of, I figured that I'd talk about E3, starting with what's coming for the 360.
Brutal Legend
Coming from the creative minds at Double Fine, we have Brutal Legend. This is your epic heavy metal hack and slasher, staring talents such as Jack Black and Lemmy Kilmister. I had a hell of a time with Psychonauts and I look forward to doing the same with this.
King of Fighters XII
I love me some old school fighters and KOF seems to be of old school awesomeness, akin to what we saw in Street Fighter IV.
Metal Gear Solid Rising
Kojima-san announced MGSR with a brief trailer showing of a new render of Raiden, the game's hero. Since it's now "Lighting Bolt Action: Metal Gear Solid" I'm guessing were going to get the freaky (but awesome) love-child of Ninja Gaiden and the other MGS games.
Halo 3: ODST
It's Halo, what can I say? But, what draws me to this is how this will be told through the flashbacks of other characters, leading to some very interesting storytelling.
Halo: Reach
I know what this is already, an adaption of the book, "Halo: Fall of Reach". It's going to be a good game none the less, but I smell some franchise milking.
Home + Guns = Awesome
Seeing that this is basically a DMC rip-off doesn’t matter to me because it going to be a rip-off done right. Mainly because DMC's creator is leading the project.
Final Fantasy XII
The demo footage that was shown during the press conference was amazing and defiantly tells me that there are really no graphical differences between this and the PS3 Version. Also, the trailer got me hyped up. It was said that Lighting was designed to be a female Cloud and it looks like we’re getting a female Sephiroth too.
Assassin's Creed 2
Everything that has been shown so far is great. From trailer to the demo, it's looking up to be something awesome. I'm just wondering what’s going on with Desmond now.
Project Natal
The big part of the Microsoft press conference was Project Natal. I can't really explain it, but If Steven Spielberg says it’s good, I'd listen to him
That's it for now, I'll have more to come soon.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Figma Meiya Mitsurugi
Whoa, she might end up being my first figma. No, it's not because of the skin-tight battle-suit (although that's not bad). Besides that the design is great, mainly because of her Katana. Anyways I don't think we've seen any good looking girls with katanas lately.
Meiya is coming out in July, Toodles
P.S. Meiya is from some series called "Muv-Luv". I heard it was some kind of dating game that spawned into a big franchise (as with Fate/Stay Night).
Arise, Dragonzord!
Yesterday I picked up an MIB Dragon Dagger for $15! Yay! I was so happy about it, decided to make this!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Black is Back! ... and so is Otoya
It's has recently been confirmed that Kamen Rider Black himself, Minami Kotaro otherwise known as Tetsuo Kurata is returning for the Decade Movie! Along with the rumors and scans with/about Shadowmoon, makes me think that Black is going to playing a bigger role than just "a cameo". I think a celebration is in order
Also in Decade News, Otoya Kurenai/Dark Kiva otherwise known as Kouhei Takeda is returning for a few episodes. Appearantly, he has something to do with how Decade gets Complete Form.

Decade just gets better and better, Toodles
Also in Decade News, Otoya Kurenai/Dark Kiva otherwise known as Kouhei Takeda is returning for a few episodes. Appearantly, he has something to do with how Decade gets Complete Form.
Decade just gets better and better, Toodles
Friday, May 15, 2009
I think I just died
Holy crap... This morning, Igadevil dropped some pictures of Kuuga's and Decade's New Forms, Rising Ultimate Form and Complete Form respectivly. Starting with Kuuga, this form is frigging awesome. It definatly deserves an SIC figure or something with metal in it. I love how they recycled some of Kuuga's concept drawings for this... Now from Kuuga, we go on to Decade.
Now Complete Form is very nice looking, but many have called it fugly. I don't see why, but I agree with them on one thing... why the heck does he have cards all over him! I just don't get it, but hey they said the same thing about Den-O's Climax Form. I very much perfer Decade's default form to this. Well, I'm gonna go hide in a cave till my SIC Zeronos and Deneb gets here.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
The Power Rangers Answer your Questions
This is a cool little shot at Tokusatsu from Power Rangers RPM (but you already knew that). This makes me kinda want to watch Power Rangers again.
*Thumbs up to the Writers*
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I Need New Pants

As the title says, my pants just exploded due to the awesomeness of this magazine scan for... the Decade Movie!(and it's not fake!) The movie appearantly has The Showa and Heisei Riders (Including ZO, J, Shin, and Diend) fighting it out against the evil Dai-Shocker. Now if they manage to get all (or most) of the orginal actors back, I'm gonna need a new wardrobe.
*Prays for an Movie badass as Forever Red*
Monday, April 27, 2009
So, I watched Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children again the other day (with the original Japanese voice track) and it blew my mind. It was an awesome film none the less, although it lacked some plot here and there but it didn't matter a bit. Besides watching the film itself, my favorite part of dvd itself was the the Making of documentary. It's was so awesome to here about what the creators had to say, especially Nomura (and did I mention the monster and vehicle desinger has done some SIC Figures). I'm really wanting to pick up a bunch of the Play Arts figures now... Going on to the video above (a promo for the "Complete" version of this film) I really want to see this as well (mainly for the added scenes and content), but it's Bluray only. I guess I have to rent a PS3 to watch it (or wait for it to leak out on the net). Check it out if you can, and to all of you who own a Bluray player.. you suck...
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The State of Myself
So, I have some stuff to share that has recently came out of the woodwork. First off (just because it could possibly mean a bunch of money coming my way), I'M GETTING AN AWARD! What for you ask? Well I don't know, but it's bound to be something good!
Click here for the Four White Guys Banner
Second, me and a couple of friends have started up a group known as The Four White Guys. We plan to do a podcast and some comedy videos here and there if our ideas plan out. We currenly have an Webs page, but for the sake of professionalism (which Jerry seems to hate), we'll be setting up a Blogger once we get around to it. Also, big thanks again to Ragna "D" BloodEdge on HJU for our banner... (which Jerry seems to dislike, although he hasn't seen it)

Finally, I blame Leiji Matsumoto... because the girl I have crush on kinda looks Yuki....
Well, toodles *goes off to gloat*
Click here for the Four White Guys Banner
Second, me and a couple of friends have started up a group known as The Four White Guys. We plan to do a podcast and some comedy videos here and there if our ideas plan out. We currenly have an Webs page, but for the sake of professionalism (which Jerry seems to hate), we'll be setting up a Blogger once we get around to it. Also, big thanks again to Ragna "D" BloodEdge on HJU for our banner... (which Jerry seems to dislike, although he hasn't seen it)

Finally, I blame Leiji Matsumoto... because the girl I have crush on kinda looks Yuki....
Well, toodles *goes off to gloat*
Saturday, April 18, 2009
*Insert Fangasm Here*
*Exclusive* Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Footage from Bay Films/Michael Bay Dot Com on Vimeo.
EDIT: Aww, they took it down...
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Fight On!
I was just watching TokyoCooney's latest video and saw a link to a Commerical he was in so I watched it. This Tokusatsu inspired commerical is for Norton Anti-Virus and stars the Norton Fighter... IT'S AWESOME!
Hell, Hironobu Kageyama did a theme song for him
Awesome, did I mention that the girl who posts these Norton Fighter videos is really cute...
Hell, Hironobu Kageyama did a theme song for him
Awesome, did I mention that the girl who posts these Norton Fighter videos is really cute...
Yes, I got a great tripod from my dad and with I intend to do many things (hopefully).
Yes, I got a great tripod from my dad and with I intend to do many things (hopefully).
Monday, April 13, 2009
New and Improved
So, the changes have been made and I'm really happy with how they've turned out. The biggest changes are the new banner by Ragna "D" BloodEdge on HJU (cause my photo editing skills suck)and I've done away with the jukebox (it was starting to get annoying). Changes also have been made to my Youtube channel as well, so check that out. I hope keep this updated more regularly in the future.
Again a very special thanks to Ragna, check out his stuff
Again a very special thanks to Ragna, check out his stuff
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Musical Obessions - Easter Edition
Let's go over what I've been listening to lately,
Gackt -
"Lust for Blood"
"Asrun Dream"
My first experience with this song was when Dirge of Cerberus was released, then hearing it today in full form is amazing.
Team.Nekokan[Neko] -
"Ksk Kimino Sonotewa Kokoni Aru"
"Air Man Ga Taosenai!"
"Re: Vive ~Under The Moon Light~"
"Seasons of You"
"Winter Sceneries"
"Lunar Eclipse"
"No Sleep Until Clear!"
"No Sleep Until Pass!"
The normal version is great on it's own but when you add in a female vocalist, it even better. Now it sounds like Aya Hirano is the female vocalist in this, I think I may even hear her Haruhi or Konota voice in this as well, but I could be wrong.
Daft Punk -
I'm not just saying that one or two songs on this album are great, the whole thing is! And yet again, watch Interstella 5555, It's why I picked this up.
L'arc~en~Ciel -
"Drink it Down"
A great song from a great game, nothing more I can really say (besides the ideas that the song title gives me).
That's it for now, I hope you guys enjoy these songs as much I do. Toodles and have a happy Easter.
Gackt -
"Lust for Blood"
"Asrun Dream"
My first experience with this song was when Dirge of Cerberus was released, then hearing it today in full form is amazing.
Team.Nekokan[Neko] -
"Ksk Kimino Sonotewa Kokoni Aru"
"Air Man Ga Taosenai!"
"Re: Vive ~Under The Moon Light~"
"Seasons of You"
"Winter Sceneries"
"Lunar Eclipse"
"No Sleep Until Clear!"
"No Sleep Until Pass!"
The normal version is great on it's own but when you add in a female vocalist, it even better. Now it sounds like Aya Hirano is the female vocalist in this, I think I may even hear her Haruhi or Konota voice in this as well, but I could be wrong.
Daft Punk -
I'm not just saying that one or two songs on this album are great, the whole thing is! And yet again, watch Interstella 5555, It's why I picked this up.
L'arc~en~Ciel -
"Drink it Down"
A great song from a great game, nothing more I can really say (besides the ideas that the song title gives me).
That's it for now, I hope you guys enjoy these songs as much I do. Toodles and have a happy Easter.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Review: TF Animated Episode 36 "Predacons Rising"
Ok, now your going "Transformers? I thought he was less geeker than that!" Well, I blame Vangelus. I'm not going to go over the whole episode, so you don't completely spoil yourself if you haven't seen this episode. BEWARE MINOR SPOILERS
The Rundown
- The Fly Thingys
- Beastly Waspinator
- Creepy Blackarachina Face
- Less Dicky Sentinel
- The "Animated Maximals" Show Up
- Beast Wars Animated Waspinator
- Great Episode
Check it out, toodles
The Rundown
- The Fly Thingys
- Beastly Waspinator
- Creepy Blackarachina Face
- Less Dicky Sentinel
- The "Animated Maximals" Show Up
- Beast Wars Animated Waspinator
- Great Episode
Check it out, toodles
Friday, April 10, 2009
One More Time
Hey people, It's Coop again and I'm back (with something...). Now before my news, I highly recommend watching Interstella 5555 (It can be found in it's entirity on youtube). It's easily one of the best anime films I have ever seen. So, in coming days I'll be making some changes around here so look for that (if it doesn't fall through).
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Start of a New Decade
Whoa... episode one was awesome. Well, since I don't feel like spoiling it for everyone, you can find episode one of Kamen Rider Decade on through their torrents. And yes... it's more or likely going to be 30 episodes but, as Tanuki on Henshin Justice says
"Have you seen modern Kamen Rider? Kiva had 26 episodes of content dragged into 50. They're gonna do it by first trimming the fat, then using Crisis's chestplate to grill the rest of the fat away, leaving behind only lean, delicious PLOT"
Sounds good... now where is G?
Friday, January 23, 2009
Coop Reviews a Figure... Dead or Alive Kasumi feat. Shunya Yamashita (P2 Version)
So, I have been considering on doing a text review and I figured that this was the right choice. Yay for Youmacon's Dealer's Room!

We have this very nice (and sexy) PVC of Kasumi from Dead or Alive (DUH!). As you can see, she has been designed by Shunya Yamashita, known for his works of very busty and shaply women(these have been let to many figures). I didn't even know he designed this until I took a closer look at the box when I was taking pictures. Anyways, Kasumi comes with a base and a nice little dagger that fits into her open hand.

Going on to the sculpting, this is top notch (considering that this is basicly a UFO Catcher Prize).

Looking at her legs, the stockings are fantasicly sculpted, from the stockings cutting into the skin to the riffles in the stockings as well. On the feet, the guards on her shoes and the shoes themselves are fantastic.

Moving on to her back, she has a very nice sheaf for her dagger (which doesn't fit the dagger due to arm placement) along with a nice painted on insigina of her former clan. Also she has a really nice... uh... *cough*butt*cough*.

Closing up, she has very nice sculpting and paint all over the place (Hair, Face, Hands, Gauntlets, Boobs.....). Aside from my crappy review, I highly recommend picking this up but, if your not into the QC issues with UFO Catcher Toys, then I wouldn't pick it up. Anyways, See Ya... Toodles.....

We have this very nice (and sexy) PVC of Kasumi from Dead or Alive (DUH!). As you can see, she has been designed by Shunya Yamashita, known for his works of very busty and shaply women(these have been let to many figures). I didn't even know he designed this until I took a closer look at the box when I was taking pictures. Anyways, Kasumi comes with a base and a nice little dagger that fits into her open hand.
Going on to the sculpting, this is top notch (considering that this is basicly a UFO Catcher Prize).
Looking at her legs, the stockings are fantasicly sculpted, from the stockings cutting into the skin to the riffles in the stockings as well. On the feet, the guards on her shoes and the shoes themselves are fantastic.
Moving on to her back, she has a very nice sheaf for her dagger (which doesn't fit the dagger due to arm placement) along with a nice painted on insigina of her former clan. Also she has a really nice... uh... *cough*butt*cough*.
Closing up, she has very nice sculpting and paint all over the place (Hair, Face, Hands, Gauntlets, Boobs.....). Aside from my crappy review, I highly recommend picking this up but, if your not into the QC issues with UFO Catcher Toys, then I wouldn't pick it up. Anyways, See Ya... Toodles.....
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Smash Online: Episodes One and Two
Here are of the first two episodes of the Machinima, Smash Online. (in which I am slated to have my first voice over roles, sometime in the future) Great Job, Cal!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Week (or Month) in Review - Together We Can Fight the Fight
Toku News -
So we start off on one of the biggest topics of the year, KAMEN RIDER DRAGON KNIGHT! I watched episode one the other day and I have to say, PR is gonna get shafted. Kamen Rider Dragon Knight feels alot like MMPR in some ways but it's also very good at giving you some what of a Showa rider feel of sorts. I'd highy reccommend checking it out but, also check out Power Rangers RPM when it comes around... why? ANYTHING IS BETTER THAN GO-ONGER!! *Can't wait for the KRDK figures to come around*
Speaking of Kamen Rider, I'm looking very forward to Kamen Rider Decade. I hope to god this won't be a trainwreck mainly because of the following.
- Interesting Concept
- Some Returning Riders and Actors
- Toy Line
- F'n Gackt is doing the Theme Song!
I know I'm late on the wagon to report this stuff but, better late than never... I guess. I still need to watch kiva ._.
Thank god, the evil known as "Go-Onger" is on it's way out! Can't say much about Shinkenger at the moment except it's good to see Psychic Lover doing theme, but it looks to be at least better than Go-onger. That reminds me, I should make a scale that says "if's not as bad as Go-onger it's ok", Although there is a lot of crappy toku out there.
Toy News -
Busou Shinkis are awesome... What Busou Shinkis basicly equate to are somewhat expensive figures that are basicly girls in plugsuit-like outfits with somesort of mecha assessory. Another bonus it that they come with codes you can plug into a game called "Busou Shinki: Battle Rondo" which is a fighting game of sorts that comes with a program called "Diorama Studio". Diorama Studio allows you to make dioramas with your figures in the game. I have Strarf bis on the way from HLJ, that's catchy. These figures will run you from 15 to 120 bucks so there not cheap (but fun).

An image of Movie Sideswipe was revealed the other day on TFW2005, and it's definately on my movie-line buy list.
Here's my christmas haul
- Transformers Sam's Club 5-pack
- Animated Ultra Magnus
- Robot Heroes Beast Wars Figures
- Optimash Prime
- Go-On Green + Black Figures
- X-box 360
- Prince of Persia
- Soul Calibur 4
Here's what I have on the way
- SH Figarts Kamen Rider Gatack
- Strarf Bis
- Revoltech Rocker Bunny Haruhi
Stuff I found intresting -
Note: Some of this stuff may not be Safe for Work... or kids
I really like Gantz Abridged and I have some what of a liking of Kei Kishimoto now... more here...
I'd really like to Symmetrical Dock with Kishimoto sometime... uh.. you didn't hear that...
The one who has courage always claims victory! and with that were done with this week or month or whatever... I leave you with a video...
So we start off on one of the biggest topics of the year, KAMEN RIDER DRAGON KNIGHT! I watched episode one the other day and I have to say, PR is gonna get shafted. Kamen Rider Dragon Knight feels alot like MMPR in some ways but it's also very good at giving you some what of a Showa rider feel of sorts. I'd highy reccommend checking it out but, also check out Power Rangers RPM when it comes around... why? ANYTHING IS BETTER THAN GO-ONGER!! *Can't wait for the KRDK figures to come around*
Speaking of Kamen Rider, I'm looking very forward to Kamen Rider Decade. I hope to god this won't be a trainwreck mainly because of the following.
- Interesting Concept
- Some Returning Riders and Actors
- Toy Line
- F'n Gackt is doing the Theme Song!
I know I'm late on the wagon to report this stuff but, better late than never... I guess. I still need to watch kiva ._.
Thank god, the evil known as "Go-Onger" is on it's way out! Can't say much about Shinkenger at the moment except it's good to see Psychic Lover doing theme, but it looks to be at least better than Go-onger. That reminds me, I should make a scale that says "if's not as bad as Go-onger it's ok", Although there is a lot of crappy toku out there.
Toy News -
Busou Shinkis are awesome... What Busou Shinkis basicly equate to are somewhat expensive figures that are basicly girls in plugsuit-like outfits with somesort of mecha assessory. Another bonus it that they come with codes you can plug into a game called "Busou Shinki: Battle Rondo" which is a fighting game of sorts that comes with a program called "Diorama Studio". Diorama Studio allows you to make dioramas with your figures in the game. I have Strarf bis on the way from HLJ, that's catchy. These figures will run you from 15 to 120 bucks so there not cheap (but fun).

An image of Movie Sideswipe was revealed the other day on TFW2005, and it's definately on my movie-line buy list.
Here's my christmas haul
- Transformers Sam's Club 5-pack
- Animated Ultra Magnus
- Robot Heroes Beast Wars Figures
- Optimash Prime
- Go-On Green + Black Figures
- X-box 360
- Prince of Persia
- Soul Calibur 4
Here's what I have on the way
- SH Figarts Kamen Rider Gatack
- Strarf Bis
- Revoltech Rocker Bunny Haruhi
Stuff I found intresting -
Note: Some of this stuff may not be Safe for Work... or kids
I really like Gantz Abridged and I have some what of a liking of Kei Kishimoto now... more here...
I'd really like to Symmetrical Dock with Kishimoto sometime... uh.. you didn't hear that...
The one who has courage always claims victory! and with that were done with this week or month or whatever... I leave you with a video...
Saturday, January 10, 2009
A Crappy End to a Good Week
So, this week didn't end so well. Why, you ask?. Well, my good friend and youth pastor, Kevin was fired from his job as youth pastor. I talked to him last night and he said it was mainly because they didn't like the way he was doing things (in which there was no problem to me). The worst part of it is that he's not even allowed to say goodbye (*gives the church commitity that fired him the finger*). I'm obviously pissed but, at least I'm gonna try to get a goodbye party for him together for friday. Well, take care Kev, and I'll make sure to give them a little hell. See ya on friday (hopefully)....

haha I have such a pig nose...
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