The other day, I started watching Keitai Sousakan 7. Keitai Sousakan 7 follows the cyber-terroist fighting exploits of a boy named Keita and his Robot-Cellphone Partner, Phone Braver 7, Seven for short. So far, it kills every other Toku that's been out this year. Although it's a Toku, I wouldn't count it as one. I would say that it's a more of a Sci-Fi Drama than a Toku. So if your getting bored of Kiva or Go-onger, I highly recommend that you start watching. Subs can be found at,
Speaking of Keitai Sousakan 7, in Japan there are real Phone Bravers. No, I'm not crazy, the phone pictured above comes from Toshiba's new Softbank 815T PB line of phones. These phones are used in the show and have features simmilar to that of there TV counterparts but, to a lesser degree. These probally won't hit the states, so you'll have 2 options right now. Buy the Toy or Buy the Phone and have it modded for use here. Personally, I'd choose the second option.
Before I started watching Keitai Sousakan 7 the other day, I watched Den-O and Kiva: Climax Deka. It was pretty good, it was kinda of a roller coster ride tbat you didn't want to end. The only grip I have with this movie is it's misleading title. The title make you think that Kiva is a main character, he's not. Kiva's appearance is nothing more but a cameo. It would of been better on Toei's part if they just called Kamen Rider Den-O: Climax Deka and keep Kiva's appearance a secret. Doing this would of given movie goers a suprise that Kiva has small role in this. Besides that, it was a pretty good movie. I'm even gonna make an MV of it using my new favorite song, Sands of Time by Back-On (The 1st Ending theme to Keitai Sousakan 7)
So that's about it for this week, here's Individual-System by TETRA-FANG to send you off, toodles.
I also need to see Machine Girl, it sounds wicked awesome
1 comment:
Hey RS, do you have the first Megaman Starforce? You know, we could be brothers and what not. Also, someone go to the Kabuto before u, sorry, I'm just trying to get rid of the stuff on sale so I can get some Ixa stuff.
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