Banner by Tsubasa Dragon of HJU
So, you must be wondering what Kimi Sentai Hanaenger is well it's sentai that put together by me and a few freinds. Also, yours truly is the Green Ranger. After some talking, this has turned into a fic that is being written by Takuya and Ryoutaro of HJU. I can't reveal much more but, here's the fic. Enjoy
Also in other news, I'm unpleased to say that I'm not getting the God Cloth Pegasus Seiya Figure (damnit!) but, I am getting the reissue of Pegasus Seiya (V2) from 2003. It should be here soon... I think...
So I didn't see Hellboy 2 (so you may use your signature attacks on me) but, as the title suggests, I'm seeing the Dark Knight on monday and I'm looking very forward to it. Also I've heard awesome things about the Joker, RIP Heath Ledger. Also I don't see this use your signature attacks on me.
The Flaming Mass of Awesome known as E3 2008 was going on recently but it really wasn't that awesome. If anything I say that Nintendo bombed this and Sony won this with Microsoft in a close second. There were a few gems here and there but the thing I look the forward too the most is...
Speaking of games, Mega64 is a group of gamers who do comidic skits based off of games in the style in how the Jackasses would do something weird in public or just normal skits. Here's one of there Skits, Mario Kart Crash...
And finally some crazy adds, staring our favorite Govenator, Arnold Schwarzenegger
So since I don't have much left to talk about so here's the WorLd by Nightmare to send you off, toodles
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